package WebService::ReadItLater; use base 'WebService::Simple'; use WebService::Simple::Parser::JSON; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use JSON; our $VERSION = '0.01'; __PACKAGE__->config( base_url => 'https://readitlaterlist.com/v2/', response_parser => WebService::Simple::Parser::JSON->new, ); sub new { my $class = shift; my $args = shift; my $apikey = delete $args->{apikey} or croak "apikey must be specified."; my $user = delete $args->{user} or croak "user must be specified."; my $pass = delete $args->{pass} or croak "pass must be specified."; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( params => { apikey => $apikey, username => $user, password => $pass, }, %$args, ); } sub add_page { my $self = shift; my ($url, $title) = @_; $self->get( 'add' => { url => $url, title => $title } ); } sub add_pages { my ($self, $pages) = @_; my @pages = map { +{ url => $_[0], title => $_[1] }} @$pages; my $json = $self->__format( $pages ); $self->post( 'send' => { new => $json } ); } sub read_pages { my ($self, $pages) = @_; my @pages = map { +{ url => $_ }} @$pages; my $json = $self->__format( \@pages ); print $json; $self->post( 'send' => { read => $json } ); } sub stats { $_[0]->post( 'stats' => { format => 'json' } ); } sub get_lists { my ($self, $href) = @_; my %params; $params{state} = $href->{read} if exists $href->{read}; $params{since} = $href->{since} if exists $href->{since}; $params{count} = $href->{count} if exists $href->{count}; $params{page} = $href->{page} if exists $href->{page}; $self->post( 'get' => { format => 'json', %params }); } sub authenticate { $_[0]->post( 'auth' ); } sub api_status { $_[0]->post( 'api' ); } sub __format { my ($self, $aref) = @_; my $cnt = 0; my $format = { map { $cnt++ => $_} @$aref }; to_json( $format ); } 1; __END__